Your house is one of the biggest purchases you will ever have made. Good quality house insurance is essential to protect your most valuable possession, it compensates you for losses to your home and your possessions inside it, protects you if you’re legally liable for someone’s injuries on your property, as well as from financial losses caused by fire, storm, flood, burglary and other events.
At Travers, our team of advisors compare the prices of different home insurance companies to find the right policy for your specific needs and to give you peace of mind at the right price. We offer cover for buildings, contents or both, insurance for home owners, renters and landlords and we offer special policies and rates for unoccupied properties, holiday homes, non-standard dwellings, log cabins and mobile homes. You can rely on Travers to protect your property should the worst happen.
Our home Insurance policies may include
- Low Policy Excess
- Glass Breakage
- Replacement Locks
- Fire Brigade Charges
- Alternative Accommodation
- Personal Liability Cover
- 24 Hour Claims Helpline
All quotes, policy cover and benefits are subject to terms and conditions and normal underwriting acceptance criteria apply.